INDIKAAP was founded in 2016 by Michele Mistry, to authentically reflect the many facets of South African Indian and Indian food culture and knowledge alongside the over-used tropes of Bunny Chows, samosas and butter chicken popularised by modern media.
Her intention is to bring to consciousness the underlying wisdom permeating recipes created for health and longevity on the Indian sub-continent, that were passed down and carried to South Africa by Indian indentured labourers and immigrants. These lost traditions are often experienced by Indians living in the diaspora, who are removed from their cultural heritage, as ‘old-wives’ tales’, or as superstitious beliefs held by their elders. As a young adult, her research proved many of them to be grounded in the health and longevity science called Ayurveda. This prompted her further study of the science and aligning her life and that of her family with Ayurvedic principles.

Michele Mistry, has studied Ayurvedic Nutrition at an Ayush accredited facility in Kerala India. (Ayush is India’s Ayurvedic University and accreditation body). She furthered her studies as an Ayurvedic Health Counsellor with an institute in America that has its founding centre in India.
She was one of the inaugural tenants at Maker’s Landing a foodie hub at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town South Africa, where her restaurant served freshly prepared Ayurvedic meals. She now sells her range of shelf stable Ayurvedic food products online and at selected stores in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Her knowledge and experience in the fields of Arts & Design and Communication Science, has primed her to create solutions to problems we face in our contemporary lifestyle.
INDIKAAP strives to find ways to make it possible for people to find nourishment and balance, despite their busy lifestyles with her range of bottled products.

INDIKAAP’s range of Ayurvedic food that is plant-based, free from gluten, sugar, preservatives and animal products.